Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekly Discussion

Instructions: Answer the following questions in your own words regarding this week's chapter. Discuss with your fellow students on this discussion post by posting comments.


Crispin encounters two dead men shortly after fleeing t
he village. How does each affect him?
To add: How would this affect you?

Let's discuss! ;-)

Miss Harvey (2015). Crispin: The Cross of Lead Discussion Guide. Retrieved from

Welcome, Scholars!

Welcome to your very own student center!

This blog is designed for students to congregate, discuss, and learn together as a team. Here we will post weekly discussions, track our reading progress, post and discuss our thoughts regarding the books read in class, and work on projects together.

As an individual, each student is required to participate daily. You are required to check back to see if others have replied to your questions, discussions, and to check to see if there are any updates on your projects or reading list.

As groups, you will individually have your own pages readily available with information on your projects. All discussion directly related to individual group projects should be posted on your separate designated pages.


  • Be respectful! No harsh words. Bullying is not allowed or tolerated and extreme measures will be taken if necessary.
  • Everyone has an opinion, and it will not always be the same as your own. Be open to new ideas and discussion points from each individual.
  • No name calling.
  • If you don't agree with someone, use the pointers we've been learning in class, politely disagree, and state your opposition with grace and respect.
Let's have a good semester this year! I look forward to working with each and every one of you! :-)


Miss Harvey